Vision and Mission


We, the Divine Word Religious Missionaries in Timor Leste –called by the Holy Triune God from various nations and cultures– live together in  intercultural fraternity as witnesses proclaiming the Reign of God to all people and creatures.


In obedient response to the signs of the times in Timor Leste, we make a preferential missionary commitment to:
II.1. the East Timorese people, many among whom are baptized Catholics alienated from the Church … that they may further grow in the ecclesial practice of their personal faith in Jesus Christ.
II.2. the East Timorese families destabilized by a violent political past and disintegrating amidst a chaotic multicultural present … that they may regain stable and sustaining ties within Christian homes of their own;
II.3. the East Timorese youth, in school and out of school … that they may attain decent education to mature in helpful knowledge, moral wisdom, and personal faith.
II.4. the growing number of foreign migrants in search of social and ecclesial belonging … that they may find welcome in local communities of faith, and defense for their human rights.

Societal Setting

On February 2011 that the SVD Timor Leste Region was declared SVD Region. As of this present, the first elected councils of SVD TLS were preparing to have its first council meeting on June 9, 2011 to discuss some plans of the Region for the next three years. In Timor Leste, the government is much open in welcoming foreign missionaries. It is easy to get residence visa for the foreign missionaries since the government has high respect for them.

Ecclesial Setting

The SVD TLS Region has missionary activities and pastoral works in three dioceses of Timor Leste, namely, the Diocese of Dili, the Diocese of Bacau, and the new establish Diocese of Maliana.In these three dioceses, our SVD confreres do mission pastoral activities. In Diocese of Bacau, we supervise one parish (Outalari), and only last October 2010, the Bishop of Bacau just named one SVD mission station as Quasi-Parish (Outocarbao). We also supervise one school in Makadike. In Diocese of Maliana, we supervise the Colegio Maliana, our confreres teach in the school and manage boarding houses for students. We also have carpentry shop manage by SVD brother. We supervise two parishes (Balibo and Atabae). Temporarily, we establish our formation house (Pre-postulant formation) in Batugade. In Diocese of Dili, we supervise the ICR (Instituto Ciensia do Religiousa), Diocese owned school for students aspiring to do pastoral work in the church and also in government. We manage Diocesan Radio Station, the RTK (Radio Timor Kmanek), wherein we inject spiritual things via communication. In parish works, our confreres were able to add SVD charisma and spirit in their various parochial programs and activities.